Warkem Bio Agri



Product Code - WA330

1. Liquid consortia [biofertilizers] is the microbial blend containing specific beneficial microorganisms which are capable of fixing or solubilizing or mobilizing plant nutrients [NPK] by their biological activity, therby providing strength and stability to the crops.
They are broadly classified into three groups.
N- Nitrogen Fixing Microbes
P- Phosphorus Solubilizing Microbes
K- Potash Mobilizing Microbes
2. The usage of this microbial consortia helps in increasing the nutrient avalaibility for a healthy growth and higher yiels of crops.
3. Provides protection to the crops from plant pathogenic pathogens.
4. Helps in restoring and maintaining good soil microbialflora.

Beneficial Organism : Carrier Based Consortia.

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